Turkey aims to reach 5 GW of wind power by 2015

The Turkish Wind Energy Association has set a target of reaching 3,800 MW in 2014 and 5,000 MW by 2015. To ensure that these targets are met the transmission system operator has announced investments in grid reinforcements between 2014 and 2020.

Turkey is one of the biggest on-shore wind markets of Europe with 11 GW WPP stock on hand and with a national target of 20 GW for 2023.

Turkey’s installed energy power is 61 GW and the target of 2023 is 100 GW. According to the General Directorate of Renewable Energy's studies the techno-economic wind energy potential of Turkey is 48 GW and today there are 11 GW current project stocks at Turkey.

Turkey added  466  MW of new WPP as of the month July 2014 and reached total capacity of 3,424 MW. Turkey’s installed capacity has grown up 500 MW per year since 2010 and the National Transmission Company expects annual installations to reach 1.000 MW per year from 2014 onwards.

-            Events or workshops

Turkish Wind Energy Congress 2014 (TWEC 2014) / 5-6 th November – Istanbul WOW Convention Center (www.turek2014.info )

Intercontinental Wind Power Congress (IWPC 2015) / 30 March – 2 April 2015 – Istanbul Congress Center (www.iwpc2015.org)

 -          New reports, publications or studies

Please visit our web-site for further information and for publications (Turkish Wind Energy Statistics Report/January 2014) at http://www.tureb.com.tr/en/publications

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