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Wind Power: A cornerstone of Green Recovery

Re-building Better for a More Sustainable and Resilient Future.

The COVID-19 crisis is one of the worst health and economic emergencies that the world has witnessed in the past century. As the pandemic forced countries into lockdown, the urgency to secure jobs and safeguard economic activity threatens to overshadow the looming climate emergency. Impacts of COVID-19 resulted in an 8% CO2 emissions reduction in the first half of 2020, compared to the same period in 2019. But research has shown that emissions have already returned to pre-COVID levels in many markets, and we remain on a dangerous trajectory towards around 3°C of global warming above pre-industrial levels.
The current crisis offers a unique window of opportunity to put the world on a sustainable trajectory and meet our international climate goals, but we must act now or we will miss the opportunity.

Global Wind Industry Statement on Green Recovery

In May 2020, the global wind industry, representing 98% of the total global wind power installed capacity,  published a statement highlighting how wind power can support a green recovery, and outlining key policy recommendations to maximise the socioeconomic benefits of wind power across the world.

Wind energy is powering jobs and investment in countries across the world.

Data & Analysis

Track the latest economic stimulus packages and policies being approved for the energy sector around the world. Drawing upon data and insights from Energy Policy Tracker, see in real-time how green recovery policies are being implemented at global, regional and country level.

GWEC forecasts 355 GW of new wind capacity could be installed worldwide over the next five years, which could generate 2.4 million years of full-time employment.

At least 140 GW of the forecast pipeline comprises “shovel-ready” projects, offering near-term potential for job creation in construction, transport, installation and grid connection.

Studies show that $1 spent on renewables generates 7.5 jobs, versus the 2.7 jobs generated by $1 spent on fossil fuels.

GWEC Market Intelligence expects that thanks to continued growth 900,000 jobs will be created in the offshore wind industry over the next decade

How can wind energy support a #GreenRecovery?

Policy Recommendations

A robust policy framework is key to accelerating wind power growth at the necessary levels to meet Paris-compliant decarbonisation scenarios. Policy is also critical to realising the environmental and socioeconomic benefits of wind power, including job creation, local investment, development of critical infrastructure, public health savings, energy security and much more.

Spread the word about how wind power can support a #GreenRecovery!

News & Resources


General & Media Enquiries

Alex Bath

Policy Enquiries

Joyce Lee

Wind Association Enquiries

Emerson Clarke

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