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About Feng

Feng Zhao is currently the Chief Research Officer at Global Wind Energy Council. He joined GWEC in early 2019 as the Strategy Director and later served as the Head of Strategy and Market Intelligence. Prior to joining GWEC, Feng was the Head of Wind Energy at FTI Consulting’ Economics and Financial Consulting Practice. Before that, Feng was the Research Director at BTM Consult, the world's first wind energy consultancy that was acquired by Navigant in 2010. Feng has extensive experience in wind market analysis having co-authored the World Market Update and the Supply Chain Assessment for the international wind power market since 2007.


Aside from leading the report business at FTI and BTM, Feng has also been the leading expert in wind related consulting engagements. His project experience includes advising on product portfolio and market entry & exit, M&A, O&M, dispute & due diligence support, strategic supply chain management and etc.


Feng has followed the wind industry for nearly 20 years and he has become a regular speaker at the key wind power conferences held in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Feng has been quoted by all leading media on the issues of wind or renewable energy. As a Chinese national, he is currently living in Denmark.

Feng Zhao