More action needed on global gender equality by 2030

The 2019 SDG Gender Index, tracking gender equality across 129 countries, finds that nearly 40 per cent of the world’s girls and women – 1.4 billion people – live in countries failing on gender equality.

Examining the “second shift” for working women

An article entitled “Chore wars: why do women still do more housework?” in the last edition of FT Weekend highlights the issue of working women performing unpaid labour at home – the so-called “second shift.”

Women in Wind featured on Windpower Monthly TV

The dynamic team at Windpower Monthly TV featured the Women in Wind Global Leadership Program on their YouTube channel earlier this month, with a series of interviews conducted at the WindEurope conference in Bilbao. They spoke to the following women about how they got into the industry, why the gender disparity exists and what they think can be done about it.

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