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Women In Wind

Progressing Women In The Decade Of Change.


To advance the role of women as agents of change in society and promote best practices within the wind industry. 


Follow us on social media and use the hashtag #WomeninWind to share your story. 

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    OUR VISION: A wind energy future powered by the limitless potential of diversity and inclusion.

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    OUR MISSION: To unite industry stakeholders in propelling gender diversity by providing women equal opportunities to learn, lead and succeed at every level.




The Global Leadership Program

In order to advance the role of women as agents of change in society and promote best practices within the wind industry, the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) partnered with the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) to launch the Women in Wind Global Leadership Program in 2019.


The program is designed to accelerate the careers of women in the wind industry, support their pathway to leadership positions and foster a global network of mentorship, knowledge-sharing and empowerment.


WindEnergy: A Gender Perspective

Gender diversity drives innovation, opens new pathways for technology deployment, brings valuable perspectives to social and economic development and provides a richer pool of talent for key and emerging industries. In the landscape of global issues requiring strong leadership and a skilled workforce, few areas are as critical as the transition to a sustainable energy system. 


Yet, as documented in the January 2020 report Wind energy: A gender perspective,” released by IRENA and Women in Wind, the wind energy industry continues to be male-dominated.  Around 21 per cent of the global wind energy workforce is women, falling below the 32 per cent share of women in the global renewables workforce and even the 22 per cent share of women in the conventional energy sector workforce. Women also make up only 8% of senior management roles in the wind industry, according to IRENA.


Renewing Data On Women In Wind

GWEC and IRENA presents a new survey to assess the representation and role of women, their challenges and opportunities, and recommended measures in the renewable energy sectors, particularly in wind energy.


Like the initial report, Wind energy: A gender perspective,” released by IRENA and Women in Wind. It examines the situation across the renewable energy technology landscape, updating and refining the earlier approach.


The survey is open to all individuals and organisations working in the renewable energy sector and related industries.


Features Of The Global Leadership Program

Comprehensive Program

  • A dedicated program of training and mentoring for women in the wind industry
  • Providing participants with global perspectives and a multidisciplinary experience
  • Huge network for cohort members to access opportunities in the wind sector including leadership positions

Global Visibility, Networking & Outreach

  • The program offers a network of mentors among leading women in the wind industry
  • Showcasing our cohort members’ as key players in the wind industry
  • Through our various channels and events, our cohort members gain recognition and exposure on an international scale
  • A growing network of alumni who can serve as mentors for the future generations of women entering the industry

Influence & Intelligence

  • A comprehensive education program that can be expanded upon year-on-year
  • Incorporating the latest technology developments and best practices from the industry
  • Covering the areas of policy and advocacy, project management, project financing, turbine engineering and much more
  • A platform to assist leading companies in the sector in identifying talent and reaching new gender equality benchmarks, allowing them to fully leverage their human resources

Program Timeline

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    April - May

    Applications open for the program
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    May - June

    Mentees are selected from the public application pool

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    August - February 

    Successful applicants will be matched with a dedicated mentor and take part in the year-long program


What is included?

  • A mentorship program with monthly virtual meetings
  • A specially designed learning and development program, with knowledge transfer webinars and skill-building elements for leadership, communication, presentation and industry visibility
  • A study tour, including workshops, networking, high-level seminars, and interactions with key institutions within the wind sector
  • Network-building opportunities at major international energy events
  • An achievement ceremony for program completion

Who Can Apply?

Diversity in background and geography are driving principles of the program. In its sixth year of operation in 2024, the program will welcome more participants than ever across all sectors, including accepting applications from three new emerging markets for wind: 


China, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.


Making the case for diversity in developing countries and emerging markets is a core principle of the program. Applicants must be citizens or residents of the following emerging markets for wind power:


Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam


Supporting Partner 

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Knowledge Partner


Interested in Becoming a Partner?

Join the Women in Wind Global Leadership Program as a Partner and support programs, industry outreach, study tours, field trips and events which promote gender diversity in the wind energy industry. Your company or organisation can play a leading role in the sector for championing female leaders in clean energy, and receive high-visibility opportunities for speaking, networking, brand placement, online storytelling and other forms of engagement. Amplify the work of your company or organisation on diversity and inclusion, and demonstrate thought leadership in sustainable development by discussing a partnership with us today. 

Jeanette Gitobu

Program Information

Jeanette Gitobu

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Marina Prado Romera

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Alex Bath

Media Enquiries

Alex Bath

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