Webinar: Doing Business in Turkey – 13 January 2015, 7am GMT

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Situated at the crossroads of east and west, Turkey has unrivalled access to European and Asian markets which has helped its economy boom, and in turn, stimulated its electricity demand. Its energy policy is shaped towards supply security through the diversification of energy sources and it has a target to increase the share of renewable resources in power generation up to 30%.

Turkey is one of the fastest growing wind markets globally and has enormous wind potential with already more than 3 GW of installed capacity, a further 11 GW in planning stages, and expectations to increase this to 20 GW by 2023. More..

To ensure that wind and other renewables reach their full potential, the government is providing state support to renewable energy investments through various mechanisms, and is also putting its efforts into meeting the requirements of the market by reviewing the legal framework, including incentives and support mechanisms for local production.

The webinar will aim to highlight the opportunities for wind power development in Turkey. Participants can hear about the challenges faced by companies wanting to do business in Turkey and find out how to get around these challenges.   Our expert speaker will be Mustafa Ataseven, President of the Turkish Wind Energy Association.

Mr Steve Sawyer, Secretary General of the Global Wind Energy Council will introduce the wind power market in terms of its global context and moderate the session including the questions and answers after the Mr Ataseven's presentation.

To register please email isabelle.prosser@gwec.net


Sponsorship Opportunity

If Turkey is a market where you would like your company to be a precursor, then sponsoring this well-attended webinar is something you ought to consider. It will not only give you the visibility among the 500-1000 registered delegates but it will give your brand global visibility in the pre and post promotion campaign rolled out by GWEC and Renewable Energy World. Email isabelle.prosser@gwec.net for more information.

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