
9 December 2022



Tamil Nadu Wind Energy Roadmap: Harnessing Net Zero Opportunities - Launch Event

Recent regional and global events such as the Russia-Ukraine war and COVID-19 have led to a huge surge in the prices of commodities globally impacting the viability of several wind projects. While these events have also led to a boost in global demand for wind energy and local supply chain development, a need for a turnaround strategy to further build momentum in India’s wind powerhouse, the state of Tamil Nadu, has become more evident. With almost 100 GW of wind energy potential, the state has so far harnessed 9.7 GW of onshore wind power which contributes to the greening of manufacturing, compliance with renewable energy RPO, and clean energy transition.

The IEA and IRENA estimates suggest the world must add over 8000 GW of cumulative wind energy capacity by 2050 to meet the 1.5-degree goal. Incidentally, the state of Tamil Nadu also has a fully mature wind manufacturing and supply chain available. This places the state at an advantage. The existing wind manufacturing sector could be scaled up to enhance the state’s share in the global wind supply chain to support local, regional and global climate action.

As a climate champion, Tamil Nadu has undertaken several pioneering interventions to boost mitigation efforts. The wind sector is a driver of low emission growth strategy and it advances socio-economic development. There is a massive opportunity to unlock untapped wind energy potential in Tamil Nadu.

Please join us for the release of GWEC India’s publication entitled “Tamil Nadu Wind Energy Roadmap: Harnessing net zero opportunities”, jointly developed with SED Fund, and Deloitte and with support from Guidance Tamil Nadu.

Reminder, this event is invite only. Please reach out to Mr. Martand Shardul, Policy Director, GWEC India: martand.shardul@gwec.net  for more information.

Confirmations for this invite-only event should be shared with Anjali Lathigara, Market Intelligence Analyst, GWEC India: anjali.lathigara@gwec.net.

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