
GWEC: USD 6.7 billion in wind power investment in Vietnam at risk without COVID-19 relief

The COVID-19 situation in Vietnam has created many hardships. This extends to supply chain bottlenecks for wind project components, workers prevented from reaching project sites for crucial inspections and activities, travel restrictions for foreign personnel, and other issues. As of August 2021, an industry survey conducted by GWEC estimates that 4,000MW of mainly onshore wind projects in Vietnam are severely challenged by these extenuating circumstances, and are now at risk of missing the November deadline for the wind Feed-in Tariff (“FiT”).

German Onshore wind – Policy action needed now to achieve German and European climate targets

Following the record expansion year 2017 for onshore wind energy in Germany, new installations are declining in 2018 as expected. The figures collected by Deutsche WindGuard show a gross increase of 1,626 MW or 497 onshore turbines in the first semester of 2018; the net increase amounted to 1,505 MW. This corresponds to a 29 per cent decline in gross expansion compared with the same period last year at 2,281 MW.