Windpower Monthly
WORLDWIDE: Climate change has risen up the agenda to its highest level since Copenhagen in 2009. As I write this, the United Nation's COP 21 climate summit is about to take place in Paris, and despite the terrible events in the city in November, expectations for a positive outcome are high.
Pundits are positive and, with 40,000 people expected to attend the big event, a decision will be made, won't it?
Or are we facing another Copenhagen, with huge expectations, a dramatic build-up and crushing disappointment at the failed conclusion? I think not. First of all because expectations for anything concrete coming out of the intergovernmental process are very low. Second, whatever happens, observers can take some heart from what's happening in the real world, with wind and solar's dramatic growth and cost reductions, business initiatives to support renewable-energy uptake, and activism of all sorts.