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India Wind Energy Market Outlook 2022 - 2026



Wind energy could help India add 23.7 GW of clean capacity by 2026 with the right state and national support.


Jointly Published By



Key Findings

There is a huge untapped opportunity in the Indian market, with the outlook providing insight into how the country can unlock the full potential of wind resources with five broad recommendations:


  • Strengthen consensus and coordination between central and state governments.
  • Promote technology exchange and alignment to the global wind supply chain
  • Exploit repowering opportunities that offer an efficient pathway for India to maximize productivity and socioeconomic benefits from sites already designated for onshore wind power production
  • Address the legacy challenges which have disrupted the development of wind energy
  • Finalise and implement offshore wind development roadmaps

Wind power constituted the majority of the renewable energy mix in India, with 37.7% of cumulative installed capacity, as of March 2022. However, the overall estimated potential dwarfs the current installed capacity. There is over 600 GW of onshore capacity at 120m hub height, with another 174 GW of fixed-bottom and floating offshore wind potential. These statistics demonstrate that there is a huge untapped wind energy potential that will be crucial for advancing the country’s clean energy transition.


Recent policy interventions by central and state governments offer hope for the market, but it is clear that action is needed to revitalise the market and deliver on the ambitious goals this report believes India can achieve. 


Download The India Wind Energy Market Outlook 2022-2026

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Alex Bath

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Alex Bath

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