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Bringing together insights and expertise

from local wind power associations across 24 countries

Click on the logos of the three regional association platforms below to find out more about the associations involved in each platform, includingtheir priorities, resources, and contact information.


Emerson Clarke

Director of Growth & Partnerships [email protected]

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The Electricity Sector Association of Kenya (ESAK), was founded in 2019. ESAK is a member-based organization composed of stakeholders in the electricity sector ranging from Independent Power Producers (IPPs), project developers, consultants, contractors, legal practitioners, finance organizations and all players working across different sub sectors of the electricity space in Kenya.

ESAK’s commitment is to have a balanced representation of Kenya’s electricity sector and conduct business according to the highest standards of ethical conduct, considering social and environmental responsibility and respect for stakeholders’ groups. It comprises of 4 working groups which include: Power Generation, Electricity Markets, Commercial and Industrial and Transmission and Distribution. The working groups represent the different players in the electricity industry in Kenya. All the representatives in each working group channel their efforts towards ensuring that a suitable environment for electricity to thrive in Kenya, created.


Mission Statement:

To encourage the sustainable development of the Kenyan electricity sector through collaboration, advocacy and data driven solutions.


Vision Statement:

To lead the Kenyan electricity sector to world class standards.



Hope Wambui

Administrations and communications, ESAK
[email protected]
+254 769 029063


TAREA is a member-based non-profit Non-Government Organization operating in Tanzania Mainland, registered on 7th May 2001 with number SA10900 by the Tanzania Ministry of Home Affairs under Societies Act, CAP.337 [R.E. 2002]. 

The mission of TAREA is to promote and advocate the increased use of Renewable Energy by developing an effective network of members and stakeholders, emphasizing the need for quality and best practice throughout the sector.


Objectives of TAREA are:

  1. To manage knowledge  and information dissemination
  2. To network public and private renewable energy and energy efficiency stakeholders
  3. To support the creation of an enabling environment and framework for sustainable renewable energy and energy efficiency markets, and
  4. To promote institutional capacity building


TAREA works to develop the use of the renewable energy technologies of solar, wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal and hydrogen.



Dr.-Ing. Matthew Matimbwi

Executive Secretary, TAREA


Wind Power Association of Uganda (WPAU) is a not-for-profit Civil Society Organization formed as a national platform to bring together various stakeholders so as to promote sustainable development of Wind Power Technology in Uganda.

WPAU was incorporated in Uganda in 2016 and currently has over 20 members both companies and individuals. WPAU is also a member of Uganda National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Alliance (UNREEEA).

WPAU’s mission is “to contribute to the global development and sound management of wind power resources for sustainable access energy and improved social economic progress.”

WPAU aims at various aspects which among others include; Building capacity of members through trainings, networking, partnerships and other knowledge exchange programmes; Research and development in new wind power technologies and innovations; Developing a platform for advisory and advocacy roles to government and private sector on behalf of wind power stakeholders; Promoting and supporting the development and management wind power resources in Uganda; To initiate, conduct and support various programs aimed at promoting the use of wind power technology and services; and To Promote, support and participate in the enforcement of quality standards of wind power technology and services.



Benard Mbaine

Chairman, Board of Directors, Wind Power Association of Uganda
[email protected]
+1 234 5678


SAWEA represents just over 100 Member companies across the Wind Energy Value Chain, including: IPPs, Developers, Wind Farm Companies, Consultants, Investors, Logistics, Research & Academia.

Vision: A wind industry that is the backbone of a reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity sector which drives inclusive economic growth in South Africa.

Mission: Representing the interest of the wind industry in South Africa through advocating for a conducive policy environment and to lobby for more MW allocation for sector for the growth of the wind industry.

The South African Wind Energy Association is a Non-Profit Organisation that has been operating in South Africa for more than 15 years (Registered in 2004). We represent the interests of the wind energy sector in South Africa. Our activities are focussed on

  • advocacy for the implementation of ambitious, consistent South African energy policy that harnesses the country’s immense wind resource and results in the streamlined growth of a wind power asset base;
  • Facilitation and promotion of excellent practice in the associated localisation, socio-economic and economic development and transformational areas of wind power;
  • Endorsement and recognition of excellent operational practice in the generation of wind power;
  • Provision of pertinent information to current and prospective investors seeking to enter the SA wind power market;
  • Provision of up to date, dependable public information on the socio-economic contributions of the wind Industry in South Africa – particularly as these relate to rural development, to women and to youth;
  • Through Wind power, promotion of renewable power as a direct contribution to the achievement of national development plan and climate change objectives;
  • Promotion of wind and renewable power investment in Africa through partnership and dialogue both within South Africa and the region.






AMER – Mozambican Renewable Energy Association is a private, non-profit entity, with legal and administrative personality, financial and patrimonial autonomy, constituted for an indefinite period. 

Founded in 2017, AMER’s mission is to promote renewable energy in Mozambique and aims to play a crucial role in coordinating representation and defending the common interests of all members and serving as an essential instrument for the participation and awareness of the enhancement of renewable energy natural resources for the sustainable development of Mozambique. 


AMER – Associação Moçambicana de Energias Renováveis é uma entidade privada, sem fins lucrativos, com personalidade jurídica e administrativa, autonomia financeira e patrimonial, constituída por tempo indeterminado. Fundada em 2017, a AMER tem como missão a promoção das energias renováveis em Moçambique e visa desempenhar um papel crucial na coordenação da representação e defesa dos interesses comuns de todos os membros e servir como instrumento essencial para a participação e conscientização da valorização dos recursos naturais de energia renovável para o desenvolvimento sustentável de Moçambique.

Para mais informações visite o nosso website:



Ricardo Costa Pereira

Presidente da Associação, AMER


The Chilean Association for Renewable Energies and Storage, ACERA AG., gathers about 140 members including developers, generators and suppliers of products and services, national and foreign, in the whole value chain of the Renewable Energy industry. ACERA seeks the protection of the environment and sustainable development for Chile, through the promotion of renewable energies and energy storage, their best complement.

Its mission is to promote the development of energies from non-fossil and sustainable renewable resources and energy storage systems, as well as their rationalization, protection and improvement, as also of technologies and processes that increase energy efficiency, looking to contribute to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change and to protect the environment, according to the possibilities and needs of the country.




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The Mongolian Renewables Industries Association (MRIA) is a non-profit and membership oriented organization which focuses on supporting rapid growth of environmentally friendly, clean and renewable energy.

In order to achieve our objective, we are planning to pay more attention to improving and creating a balanced legal capacity that is significant to the manufacturing of renewable energy, creating favourable conditions for mutual understanding and cooperation between the public and private sectors, capacity building of national human resource, and correctly directing social views.



Myagmardorj Enhkmend

Secretary General, MRIA


The Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS) represents the interests and provides a  common platform for companies in Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Carbon Management, e mobility, smart grids and Financial Institutions to meet, discuss, collaborate and undertake viable  projects together. The Association is a non-profit, non-government business association, and its  mission is to assist its members in achieving sustainable growth locally and regionally through business and market development. SEAS plays a strategic role in supporting and promoting  Singapore’s vision to be a global centre for sustainable energy, where products and solutions are  developed and exported. For more information about what the association does and its services,  please visit



Nor Azlyn Supingi

Director, Operations & Projects


The Thai Wind Energy Association (ThaiWEA ) is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting wind power in Thailand. It has more than 50 members, including wind turbine manufacturers with a leading share of the national wind power market, other equipment suppliers, research institutes, developers, contractors, finance and insurance companies and consultants.

ThaiWEA supports its members in the sustainable growth of their business. We coordinate national policy strategic communications, research and analysis and provides customised services to address its members’ needs. ThaiWEA organises political, business and educational events, offering the best networking and communications opportunities in the sector.



Isares Phamornniyom

President, ThaiWEA


Founded in 2002, ABEEólica – the Brazilian Wind Power Association is a non-profit institution that unites and represents the country’s wind power industry. Representing companies in the wind power supply chain, ABEEólica has effectively contributed to the development and recognition of wind power as a clean, renewable and low environmental impact energy source that is competitive and strategic for the country’s national eletric matrix. ABEEólica has about 100 members.



Selma Bellini

Head of Communications and Institutional Relations, ABEEolica


The Mexican Association of Wind Energy A.C. “AMDEE”. Was born in 2005 to promote the generation and development of wind energy in Mexico, representing the developers of wind projects before the authorities, economic sectors and society in general.
The Mexican wind industry faces the great challenge of consolidating and growing, from opportunities for national and foreign investment, the creation of value chains for the manufacture and procurement of goods and services with solid projections for the immediate future and in the future. long term


Promote the development, growth, competitiveness and social acceptance of the wind industry in Mexico, in its different components, promoting the integration of technological partners, national and foreign suppliers, creating human capital and encouraging the interaction of its associates.
Contribute to the fulfillment of the goals of sustainability and energy security of the country, representing and defending the interests of its members, applying and demanding the highest ethical principles and respect for human rights and communities


To be an international benchmark in the wind sector in America and the electricity sector in Mexico in the technical, legal, regulatory, environmental, ethical and financial aspects, contributing to the generation of energy through clean sources, which are sustainable and inclusive in the development of the Mexican economy.



Daniela Medina Gallegos

Head of Institutional Relationship and Sustainable Development, Digital and Communication Manager, AMDEE
[email protected]
+1 234 5678


La Asociación de energías renovables Colombia – SER Colombia, creada en marzo de  2016 es una entidad privada sin ánimo de lucro que agrupa a más de 50 compañías a  nivel local y global que han hecho su apuesta por las energías renovables. Las cuales  aportan toda su experiencia y conocimiento desde el punto de vista de  generadores, desarrolladores, proveedores y consultores. 

SER Colombia se creó con el fin de ser una plataforma de crecimiento y  posicionamiento, que represente los intereses de sus miembros ante las dependencias y  entidades del sector público, asociaciones, cámaras y organismos privados tanto  nacionales como internacionales. 


Representar los intereses de los miembros ante las dependencias y entidades  públicas y privadas. 

Contribuir al desarrollo de las Energía Renovables en Colombia. 

Estimular un mercado eléctrico competitivo. 

Promover la importancia de la diversificación de la matriz de generación con  fuentes renovables no convencionales.



Jenny Rincon Pardo

Coordinadora Administrativa
[email protected]
+57 3102576749


The Chilean Association for Renewable Energies and Storage, ACERA AG., gathers about 140 members including developers, generators and suppliers of products and services, national and foreign, in the whole value chain of the Renewable Energy industry. ACERA seeks the protection of the environment and sustainable development for Chile, through the promotion of renewable energies and energy storage, their best complement.

Its mission is to promote the development of energies from non-fossil and sustainable renewable resources and energy storage systems, as well as their rationalization, protection and improvement, as also of technologies and processes that increase energy efficiency, looking to contribute to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change and to protect the environment, according to the possibilities and needs of the country.




La Cámara Eólica Argentina (CEA) es una asociación civil que nace a fines de 2017 con el fin de favorecer el desarrollo y potenciación del sector eólico argentino.

Hoy, agrupa a más de 20 empresas que representan en su conjunto el 70% de la potencia instalada nacional proyectada, con presencia en ocho provincias, entre las cuales se encuentran Santa Cruz, Chubut, Río Negro, Neuquén, La Pampa, Buenos Aires, Córdoba y La Rioja.

Sus miembros, ocupan diferentes lugares en la cadena de valor del sector: como generadores, tecnólogos, fabricantes de componentes eólicos y proveedores de servicios, que nutren a la CEA con su experiencia y expertise para enfrentar los desafíos del sector de manera conjunta y eficiente.


La energía eólica será la tecnología líder en la transformación de la matriz energética en la República Argentina, encaminando al país a un futuro energético verdaderamente sostenible basado en tecnologías renovables autóctonas, no contaminantes y a precios competitivos.



A través de una comunicación efectiva y su participación en los procesos de toma de decisiones políticas, la Cámara Eólica Argentina busca facilitar políticas e iniciativas nacionales e internacionales que fortalezcan el desarrollo de los mercados, la infraestructura y la tecnología argentina y mundial de la energía eólica.

Para lograrlo, la CEA lleva adelante un plan de estratégico que busca – a través de diferentes acciones e iniciativas – lograr:
• Promover los mejores intereses conjuntos del sector de la energía eólica;
• Desarrollar y comunicar políticas e iniciativas estratégicas efectivas que influyan en el proceso político hacia el mantenimiento y la creación de mercados estables, mientras se superan las barreras para el despliegue de la energía eólica;
• Mantener una interacción permanente con los principales agentes decisorios de la regulación energética en Argentina para que sus decisiones estén basadas en datos fiables del sector, así como para obtener información rigurosa de primera mano;
• Optimizar las oportunidades de desarrollo económico del sector de la energía eólica en relación con el crecimiento de la capacidad de generación en Argentina en, al menos, las próximas dos décadas;
• Consolidar aún más la posición de Europa como motor internacional para el crecimiento global del sector de la energía eólica mediante la participación de una estrecha coordinación con organizaciones y empresas nacionales, regionales y mundiales;
• Comunicar enérgicamente los beneficios y el potencial de la energía eólica a una amplia variedad de audiencias importantes: políticos, formadores de opinión, tomadores de decisiones, empresas, medios de comunicación, público, ONG y otras partes interesadas



Héctor Ruiz Moreno

Gerente General, CEA
[email protected]
+54 9 11 4719-3151