Latest from the wind sector in Norway

Norwegian Energy Partners has entered into an agreement with Mr. Lars Engelmann to act as an advisor on the offshore wind industry in Germany. Mr. Engelmann, formerly Head of maritime operations and logistics at Vattenfall, will advise partners of Norwegian Energy Partners on opportunities in the German offshore wind market. Norwegian supply industry is expected to enable further reduction of LCOE in offshore wind based on its expertise in offshore and maritime operations and projects.


Last June, Norwegian Energy Partners launched a new report; "Norwegian supply chain opportunities in offshore wind". This report is intended to be used by Norwegian authorities and companies considering a move into offshore wind but it also highlights the areas of Norwegian supply chain expertise.

Seven areas, in which the Norwegian offshore supply chain have particular expertise with a view to reduce LCOE in offshore wind have been identified:

  • Project management
  • Subsea cables
  • Offshore substation structures
  • Turbine foundations
  • Installation equipment and support services
  • Maintenance and inspection services
  • Vessels and equipment

The report is available HERE


As part of a Chinese offshore wind mission, Norwegian Energy Partners will take a Norwegian delegation of offshore wind suppliers to attend China Wind Power Conference and Exhibition from the 16th to 19th of October. Norwegian offshore wind industry is gearing up to facilitate knowledge transfer from its oil & gas base to offshore wind and a number of areas of expertise have been identified in which the Norwegian industry can bring LCOE benefits to the Chinese offshore wind development. To learn more; check out the program HERE.


Norwegian Energy Partners will also take a Norwegian delegation of offshore wind suppliers to New York towards the end of October to attend the AWEA Offshore Wind Conference. Norwegian offshore wind industry is gearing up to facilitate knowledge transfer from its oil & gas base to offshore wind and a number of areas of expertise have been identified in which the Norwegian industry can bring LCOE benefits to the US offshore wind development. To learn more, check out the program HERE.

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