GOWA Comment On Media Coverage
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Article written by
Demitra Alexandrou
Global Offshore Wind Alliance statement on recent media coverage.
9 July | A spokesperson for the Global Offshore Wind Alliance said: "The Global Offshore Wind Alliance (GOWA) notes a recent article in the South Korean media that contains inaccuracies and mischaracterises GOWA.
"The Global Offshore Wind Alliance is a neutral, multilateral and multi-stakeholder body with a sole focus: to drive the uptake of offshore wind through political mobilisation and the creation of a global community of practice. Cooperation, collaboration and knowledge-sharing are at the heart of the Global Offshore Wind Alliance’s support for countries as they develop offshore wind. GOWA brings together governments, industry and other stakeholders to tackle shared challenges to achieving global targets for offshore wind commensurate with a 1.5 degree pathway."
"The Alliance looks forward to working with South Korea, and countries across the region, to help the advancement of offshore wind as a key tool of the energy transition."
Spokesperson, GWEC

About GWEC
Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) is a member-based organisation that represents the entire wind energy sector. The members of GWEC represent over 1,500 companies, organisations and institutions in more than 80 countries, including manufacturers, developers, component suppliers, research institutes, national wind and renewables associations, electricity providers, finance and insurance companies.

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