Global Wind Report Archive

Global Wind Report 2019
The 15th flagship Global Wind Report 2019 by GWEC provides a comprehensive overview of the global wind industry through the latest market data, country profiles, trends and analysis from GWEC Market Intelligence. Wind energy has expanded by leaps and bounds in the last 20 years, becoming a mainstream source of clean, cost-competitive energy around the world.
Key findings
- 60.4 GW of wind energy capacity was installed globally in 2019, a 19 per cent increase from installations in 2018 and the second-best year for wind historically.
- Total capacity for wind energy globally is now over 651 GW, an increase of 10 per cent compared to 2018.
- China and US remain the world’s largest onshore wind markets, together accounting for more than 60 per cent of new capacity in 2019.
- Offshore wind is playing an increasingly important role in driving global wind installations, with the sector installing a record 6.1 GW in 2019, accounting for a record share of 10 per cent of new installations.

Global Wind Report 2017
This is the 13th annual report on the status of the global wind industry by the Global Wind Energy Council. This 72-page report provides a comprehensive snapshot of the global wind industry and includes insights into the 21 top wind markets across the world, with a feature chapter on new emerging markets, a five-year market forecast out to 2022, a chapter on the global offshore wind market and much more.
Key findings
- The global wind industry now present in more than 90 countries, 30 of which have more than 1,000 MW installed, and a further 9 with more than 10,000 MW.
Global Wind Report 2016
GWEC released its flagship publication Global Wind Report: Annual Market Update 2016.
Key findings
- More than 54 GW of clean renewable wind power was installed across the global market in 2016
- More than 90 countries, including 9 with more than 10,000 MW installed, and 29 have now passed the 1,000 MW mark.
- Cumulative capacity grew by 12.6% to reach a total of 486.8 GW.

Global Wind Report 2015
GWEC released its flagship publication Global Wind Report 2015: Annual Market update. GWEC Market Intelligence derives its insights from its own comprehensive databases, local knowledge and leading industry experts. We collaborate with our regional and country member wind associations as well as our corporate members to provide a comprehensive overview of the wind industry today and tomorrow!
Key findings
- The wind power industry set new records across the world last year
- Wind is leading the transformation of the global power system, long overdue and very necessary to achieve the climate objectives agreed by 186 nations in Paris last December.
Global Wind Report 2014
The Global Wind Energy Council launched its flagship publication the Global Wind Report: Annual Market update in Istanbul. The report details wind power’s remarkable growth in 2014, as well as updating GWEC’s rolling 5 year market projections, which show continued growth for the rest of the decade.
Key findings
- Led by China and Brazil in the first instance, as well as Mexico and South Africa, non-OECD markets outstripped the traditional markets in Europe and North America again in 2014.
- China installed an astonishing 23 GW of new wind power last year, bringing its cumulative total to more than 114 GW.
- Brazil was the world’s 4th largest market in 2014, and entered the top 10 in cumulative rankings for the first time.
- The African market took off in 2014, and Germany, Chile, Canada and Turkey also had record years.
Global Wind Report 2013
GWEC’s Global Wind Report – Annual Market Update on the status of the global wind industry is the authoritative source of information on wind power markets around the world. This year’s edition includes insights of the most important wind power markets worldwide, future trends with market projections for 2014-2018, an expert opinion on redefining the cost debate by Siemens Wind, a chapter featuring a renewable energy future and the state of play of the global offshore market.
Key findings
Global wind power, now present in over 80 countries with 24 countries having more than 1,000 MW installed.

Global Wind Report 2012
GWEC’s annual market update on the status of the global wind industry is the authoritative source of information on wind power markets around the world. It provides you with a comprehensive snapshot of the global industry. This years’s edition includes insights of the most important wind power markets worldwide, future trends with projections for 2012-2016, role of public finance, overview of the current status of global offshore and much more.
Key findings
- Wind power now present in about 75 countries, with 21 countries having more than 1000 MW installed.

Global Wind Report 2011
GWEC’s annual market update on the status of the global wind industry is the authoritative source of information on wind power markets around the world. It provides you with a comprehensive snapshot of the global industry, now present in about 75 countries, with 21 countries having more than 1000 MW installed.
Key findings
Includes insights of the most important wind power markets worldwide, future trends with projections for 2012-2016, role of public finance, overview of the current status of global offshore and much more.

Global Wind Report 2010
This is the sixth annual report on the status of the global wind industry by the Global Wind Energy Council. It provides a comprehensive snapshot of this global industry, now present in about 80 countries. The data and country profiles for this report have been collected through GWEC’s member associations and companies around the world, as well as from other analysts and government contacts.
Key findings
- 2010 was a tough year for our industry, and although cumulative market growth was still a healthy 24.1 %, the annual market decreased for the first time in about two decades.
- 38.3 GW of new wind power capacity was added around the world last year, and for the first time the majority of that new capacity was in developing countries and emerging economies; driven mainly by the booming wind sectors in China and India, but also with strong growth in Latin America.

Global Wind Report 2009
GWEC’s annual report is the authoritative source of information on wind power markets around the world. The Global Wind 2009 Report contains installation figures for over 70 countries for the 2009 record year, as well as a five-year forecast up to 2014 and detailed chapters on the key countries.
Key findings
The global market grew by 41%, demonstrating that wind power is increasingly the power technology of choice, leading all others by a substantial margin in the US and Europe, and with another fantastic year of more than 100% growth in China.

Global Wind Report 2008
The Global Wind 2008 Report includes a five year forecast for the development of the global wind energy market. In the past, these projections have regularly been outstripped by the actual performance of the sector and have had to be adjusted upwards. Despite the economic downturn, this year is no exception.
Key findings
We celebrated the 100 GW mark in total global installed wind energy capacity.

Global Wind Report 2007
The Global Wind Report is the prime source for data on wind energy developments in 2007, containing figures on installations in over 70 countries around the world, as well as a forecast for the coming five years (2008-2012). In addition, 22 country reports give insights into policy and industry developments in established and emerging wind markets.
Key findings
- 2007 was yet another banner year for the wind industry, with a 27% increase in installed capacity, bringing the global total to 93,900 MW.
- The increasingly mature and global industry installed close to 20,000 MW of clean, emissions free wind energy capacity in the course of the year, representing about € 25 billion (about $US 37 billion) of investment.
- The price of oil well over $US 100 per barrel, and the price of coal and gas at historically high levels, the advantages of an energy source independent from the vagaries of the international commodities markets has never been clearer.

Global Wind Report 2006
The Global Wind 2008 Report includes a five year forecast for the development of the global wind energy market. In the past, these projections have regularly been outstripped by the actual performance of the sector and have had to be adjusted upwards. Despite the economic downturn, this year is no exception.
Key findings
We celebrated the 100 GW mark in total global installed wind energy capacity.

Global Wind Report 2005
Wind Force 12 is a global industry blueprint which demonstrates that there are no technical, economic or resource barriers to supplying 12% of the world's electricity needs with wind power alone by 2020 - and this against the challenging backdrop of a projected two thirds increase of electricity demand by that date.
Key findings
- By 2020, 1,250 GW of wind power can be installed.

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Alex Bath
Communications Director