Global Wind Workforce Outlook 2021-2025

Global Wind Workforce Outlook 2021-2025

Key Highlights

Nearly half a million workers need to be trained to GWO standard to deliver onshore and offshore wind forecast safely over the next five years

Over 70% of the new global workforce training demand will come from 10 countries: Brazil, China, Japan, India, Mexico, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, USA, and Vietnam

GWO training is essential for jobs in construction, installation, operation and maintenance segments of the wind power value chain, and does not cover jobs in procurement, manufacturing (the most labour-intensive segment), and transport.

Global standardised training is the most effective tool to ensure the health and safety of the wind workforce

For already large wind markets like the US and China, scaling up training capacity can provide new job opportunities and increase productivity through the recognition of GWO standards.

Emerging economies will need to develop their safety and technical training networks from the ground up to ensure alignment with global safety systems to ensure the long-term sustainability of the industry.

There is significant untapped potential for the training and industrial education supply chain in countries across the world, and organisations in scope to deliver the additional training capacity needed can develop GWO programmes now to meet this future demand.

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Joyce Lee

Head of Policy and Projects [email protected]

Alyssa Pek

Communications Director
[email protected]