With only 755MW of the 7.2GW wind power target by 2020 installed, the future of Egypt’s wind power market remains uncertain. Back in early 2015, the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding gave reason to hope for the government’s commitment to supporting its renewable energy program and attracting foreign investors. MAKE examines how market conditions have impacted local supply chain decisions and concludes with a 10-year outlook on the Egyptian wind power market in a Flash Note. A short summary of the flash note can be found on MAKE’s website: http://bit.ly/2eLddLF
Siemens and Duke Energy Moving Together on Multibrand Wind Services
Early November, Siemens Wind Power and Duke Renewable Energy Services announced their alliance within the North American wind services market. The move followed Siemens’ struggle in North America this year and aims at offering North American wind farm operators O&M for multiple brands of wind turbines. MAKE voices concerns over the added value multi-brand service options bring to all parties involved. MAKE’s comment on the move is available free of charge the website: http://bit.ly/2eTSuTI
Uncertainty Follows Successful Renewables Auction in Argentina
In October, Argentina sold a total of 1.1GW of renewable energy projects in its first round of the auction-backed renewable power policy RenovAr. Many called this a success that will help realise the country’s ambitious 20% RES by 2024 target. In a Flash Note, MAKE assesses the bid pricing of developers and the competitive dynamics at the Argentine tender. MAKE expresses scepticism over the success of the auction and highlights the potential challenges that Argentina’s renewable power project build could face. A short summary of the flash note can be found on MAKE’s website: http://bit.ly/2fx4nCL
GE Acquires LM Wind Power
US giant GE acquired LM Wind Power for USD 1.65B last in October with plans to keep the Danish blade manufacturer a standalone business unit within the corporation. This move comes after GE boosting its blade technology IP positioning and LM’s solid growth, both financially and regionally. MAKE’s Flash Note looks at the impact GE’s move could have on the sourcing decisions of its competitors and comments on the technology angle of the acquisition. MAKE’s comment on the move is available on the website: http://bit.ly/2ekpFmW
Policy Change Significantly Impacts China's Wind Power Outlook
After recent significant reductions in the national target of wind power from 250GW to 210GW in China’s Thirteenth Five-Year-Plan, the country’s wind and solar sectors are expected so see increasingly slower growth in the upcoming five years. In over 20 pages of in-depth market dynamics and policies analyses, MAKE downgrades its 10-year outlook for new installed capacity by 6.5%. The Research Note includes a detailed updated forecast from 2016 to 2025, looking at onshore and offshore development. A short summary of the research note can be found on MAKE’s website: http://bit.ly/2fB1YTE
Upcoming reports:
Sector Report: Global Wind Turbine O&M
In a time when wind turbine operations and maintenance is more important than ever before, this report analyses the global wind power service market and strategies including O&M market opportunities, service strategies of leading asset owners, availability guarantees, pricing and terms of O&M contracts, and regional installed base segmentations. An overview of the report, which will be published later this month, can be found on MAKE’s website: http://bit.ly/2fDpAqV
Sector Report: Renewable Energy Owner Strategies
This brand-new research publication gives an overview of power market megatrends and is the paper to read for all owners and managers of renewable energy plants. Topics include a recap on the macro environment and the impact of FX and interest rates on portfolio strategy, an analysis of financial performance of asset owners and an update on new business models including Yieldco vehicle, merchant exposure deals and more. Additionally, the report provides a scorecard and ranking table for top markets.
Later this month, when this report is published, an overview of the report will be available on MAKE’s website: http://bit.ly/2fDpAqV