Implementation Labs - A Cleaner Power Sector by 2030:
Scaling Renewables and Storage Based Systems


15 November
1400-1530 EET
1200-1330 GMT


Lotus Room, Action Room 2
Near the main entrance of the Blue Zone

This Implementation Lab on Energy Day of COP27 will showcase the renewable energy-based technology mix that will enable decarbonization of the global electricity system. We are at an unprecedented moment of cost-competitiveness, investment and technological maturity of grid-scale renewable energy. Primarily, the acceleration of renewable energy will focus on wind and solar power, which need to make up at least 40% of all global electricity generation under the Clean Power 2030 Breakthrough outlined by the UNFCCC Climate Champions and Race to Zero, in addition to storage technologies.
This Lab will examine how wind-solar-storage based systems are scaling up in countries around the world, bringing together policymakers, supply-side industry and civil society to showcase the progress that has been made and the key roadblocks to scaling these systems by 2030.
This is an interactive 90-minute workshop open to all attendees of COP27, which will begin with high-level remarks from keynote speakers, followed by a series of interventions on successful case studies of scaling clean power from government, energy agencies, the private sector, the investment community and civil society.
Participants are then invited to engage in 35-40 minutes of breakout discussions and feedback on how to scale up renewable and storage-based systems within this decade.
This event is being convened by Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC),  The International Energy Agency (IEA), The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and ReNew Power, under the aegis of the Marrakech Partnership, the UN Climate Champions, the Race to Zero and the Race to Resilience. 
Opening Remarks:
  • Nigel Topping, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion
  • Tim Gould, Chief Energy Economist, International Energy Agency
  • Daniel Wetzel, Head of Tracking Sustainable Transitions Unit, International Energy Agency
  • Inamara Mélo, Secretary of Environment and Sustainability, Pernambuco, Brazil; with Samanta Della Bella, Superintendent of Sustainability and Climate, Pernambuco, Brazil
  • Deepak Bilgi, Director, Department of Environment and Climate Change, Government of Tamil Nadu, India
  • Jennifer Layke, Global Director, Energy, World Resources Institute
  • Gianluca Sambucini, Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Group of Experts on Renewable Energy 
  • Ingrid Reumert, Senior Vice President, Ørsted
Closing Remarks:
  • Ben Backwell, CEO, Global Wind Energy Council

Host: Eduarda Oliveira Zoghbi, REvolutionaries Award Winner and Senior Adviser, Student Energy

Facilitator: Albena Ivanova, Energy Sector Lead, System Transformations, UNFCCC Climate Champions

Register to attend the Implementation event in-person here

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