Bogotá, Colombia
14 November 2019


About the Event

Green growth in Colombia is becoming a major priority for the country as recent reports from the Ministry of Mines and Energy warn of the impact of El Nino on the economy, which has already decreased the country’s GDP by 0.2% in 2015. It is clear that policies need to be put in place for climate change adaptation. The Ministry has highlighted an important tool achieve this objective – non-conventional sources of renewable energy (FNCER).

Integrating FNCER’s into Colombia’s energy mix will simultaneously lower their carbon emissions and strengthen the country’s power generation matrix to buffer against the increased variability brought on by climate change. To do this, a specific mechanism has been put in place for Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) long-term contracting in the energy wholesale market. After pushing back the date for their first renewable energy auction to award PPA’s and stimulate the development of a cost-competitive renewables market, the auction has now been confirmed for October 2019.

In this one-day interactive seminar organised by GWEC for the second time in Colombia, we will gather high-level figures from this group of stakeholders together with energy authorities and regulators to address any questions and issues surrounding the bidding procedure for the development of wind projects to participate in this inaugural auction. From policy, to market, to technical content – this seminar will provide you with all the information you need to drive wind industry development in Colombia.

Programme Topics Include

  • Energy transition in Colombia: the path for modern green energy
  • The new drivers of the framework for renewable energy development
  • Analysis of the tendering process for renewable energy long term PPA´s in 2019
  • The next steps for grid access and electricity planning
  • Project finance challenges behind the framework
  • Renewable energy trading opportunities beyond the tender
  • The wind power industry insight on the state of the market
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