The expanded and accelerated RE Independent Power Producers Procurement programme (REIPPP) underway in South Africa has stimulated investment and created a thriving market for wind energy. There are currently 294 wind turbines installed with plans to reach 2,500 by 2020. The latest prices for wind power under the REIPPPP are 40% cheaper per kwh than new-build coal.
The 5th edition of WINDaba, organised by GWEC and SAWEA, is themed: "Powering the winds of change", and reflects the industry’s conviction that wind energy can play a key role in filling South Africa’s current energy gap with low cost, clean electricity which can be brought on grid within a relatively short time frame.
The Call for Abstracts is now open, and submissions can be made up until 14 August, based on the themes below:
- Land use and wind power: A consideration of the twin issues of municipal property tax rates and approvals for wind power on agricultural land
- Pathways to the future: the state of our grid and the transition to a renewables-based electricity sector
- Skills development for the wind industry: South Africa comes of age
- Looking back after four complete bidding rounds: a reconsideration of REIPPPP and how to kick on from where we are
- "Public perceptions of wind power: how do our good news stories contribute to a fair hearing?"
- Wind and community development: Consolidating our approach to Economic Development and keeping it relevant and up to date
- Delivering turbines and equipment in R3 of REIPPPP
- Other
Submissions should be made via the Windaba website.
The WINDaba conference and exhibition will take place in Cape Town from 4-5 November 2105.