Shu Xin Lim

GWEC calls on Vietnamese government to extend wind tariff and maintain regional leadership in clean energy investment

An industry alliance led by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) has called on the Government of Vietnam to urgently extend the wind energy Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) scheme. Vietnam’s wind industry is already facing a slowing of investment in 2020 because of uncertainty around the investment framework, and further delays to the FiT extension will hinder supply chain development and cost reduction in the emerging wind market, and ultimately undermine Vietnam’s goal of affordable, reliable and clean electricity

Webcast Series – Corporate Sourcing of Renewable Energy: India Registration

To register for “Corporate Sourcing of Renewable Energy: India” on 30 July 2020, please complete and submit the form below. Upon submitting the form, you will receive an email confirmation with your link to join and more information on how to use the virtual event platform.   The webcast and networking sessions will be hosted …

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Industry Pulse: Powering the Future – Workforce Requirement Conversion

Global Wind Organisation is the industry body responsible for safety training standards for over 90,000 of the world’s wind energy workers has revealed its network is emerging from Covid-19 lockdown. There are over 350 GWO Certified Training Centres in 43 countries around the world and up to 83% told a recent survey that they will have reopened their doors by the end of May.

Industry Pulse: India Wind Targets Are Sensitive to Policy and Regulations

India is the world’s fourth-largest onshore wind market by installations, with 37.5 GW of capacity as of 2019. Technical potential at 120-metre hub height is a whopping 695 GW, according the National Institute of Wind Energy, and the government has set a wind capacity target of 60 GW by 2022 and 140 GW by 2030. Wind is already the second most competitive energy source on India’s grid.

Market to Watch: Ramping up climate ambition and green recovery plans for a 1.5°C future

As the world battles the coronavirus pandemic, it is critical to maintain sight of long-term climate objectives. International commitment to climate action can be the key to enabling economies to recover and rebuild more resilient systems once the storm has passed. Acceleration of renewables could power a green economic recovery, unlocking at least $50 trillion to boost global GDP and power millions of renewable energy jobs by 2050, according to the recent Global Renewables Outlook by IRENA.